april LOVE

Reiki master teacher, QUANTUM HEALER, Author, Intuitive channel, wayshower, ascension guide
Golden Light Alchemy, formerly Santa Monica Healing, is a simple service-mission: to serve all hearts and minds as we align with healing energies and our deepest life's mission.
Gold Light is the highest frequency that transcends time and space, bringing the light of God through any vibration, raising it and thereby healing it. Alchemy is a word used to describe the fusion that takes place during April's multidimensional healings, combining reiki, quantum technology, sound, light and frequency. Anyone can tap into their unlimited Alchemical potential at any time, and it is with that hope that Santa Monica Healing (2015) was re-birthed into it's highest expression as Golden Light Alchemy (2020).
April is passionate about guiding others to embrace their own multidimensionality through ascension work, workshops, and activational retreat offerings, which she hosts throughout the year. Previous experiences include portal & sacred site exploration in Joshua Tree, Mt. Shasta and Sedona. Upcoming events can be found on her Events page.
April’s lifetime path as a healer began nearly 15 years ago and has seen many evolutions in both business and personal areas since. The winding road always bringing her back to the same path of universal heart healing, ascension and expansion. Recent projects of hers have included three books, as well as designing healing curriculum/programs, with a focus on awakening, transformation, and empowerment.
Her books are written to include activation codes to encourage healing and awakening during your bold voyage of self-realization. Many of the meditations included in her book "Essential Chakra Meditations" were inspired and designed to awaken and connect you to your astral lightbody to make permanent and lasting change to your crystalline DNA, while supporting you in your awakening. Her book "The Complete Guide to Chakras" reviews the 12 chakras system in-depth and gives a plan on how to thrive during this Earthly ascension process. Find them out now on Amazon (kindle & prime available) along with new additions she's written lately!
An advocate of being true to your Highest Self, April believes in following your daydream and authentic artistic expression. She believes that reiki and meditation connects us more profoundly to ourselves and to one another, enabling our conscious community to become stronger by equipping us to bring more peace in the world. She knows that anyone can self-heal if they invest the time to uncover their inner truth. She has lived this journey many times, and so have you.
In Love & Light